Within the architectural and design space the developing requirement for QSID is causing a lot of industry confusion and angst. I’m not sure that everyone understands that QSID is not a classification system in itself, it is a very basic coding system, just two digits of the elemental coding that is the Australian Cost Control Manual (ACMM2) maintained by the Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (AIQS).
The project QS should be capable of pulling information from any model (at any stage) and pushing back or ‘round-tripping‘ accurate codes and data at the right time to alleviate the need for designers to input codes like QSID.
Our 5DQS team inputs its own and a combination of other more robust codes and ’round-trip’ the data to the model which provides far greater benefit. It immediately creates a model map that can be used by all project partners including the contractor and subcontractors as well as the designers and programmers at any point through the process.
For more information on round-tripping, have a read of Scott Beazley‘s post “5D Round-Tripping and Model Validation“. Or contact Scott directly, Mitchell Brandtman, 07 3327 5000