What skills does a 5D QS need? (Video)

Partner and 5D Quantity Surveyor, David MitchellBIM Day Out event in Perth on “5D’s of Digital Design, Documentation and Delivery”.

In Part 1 David covers off on the skills that a 5D QS needs to not only create cost certainty but to also help deliver a successful project.http://youtu.be/ir3ybJt5rRs&w=512&h=308

David also contributed an article to BIMCrunch titled “5D BIM: What Skills does a 5D QS need?” which you can read here. You can also view more great BIM video’s and presentations at the BIM Day Out’s website.

Be sure to sign up to the Mitchell Brandtman Blog (by entering your email address in the box on the right hand side) and be notified as soon as the next part of the presentation is released, titled “What is a 5D QS’s Methodology?”.

For more information please feel free to email David direct.

Follow David and Mitchell Brandtman on Twitter